Hoy he comido con José Sánchez-Colomer, amigo y compañero en DDB / Rapp Collins durante 3 años. Un tipo que habla con tal franqueza que descoloca hasta que te acostumbras (y lo digo precisamente yo :). Sin dobleces, sin rodeos, sin pestañear un ojo. Pero siempre con respeto, con criterio y con mucha humildad.
Me gustan ese tipo de personas y me gustan los directores de arte como él. Entienden que la creatividad publicitaria es una creatividad aplicada. Lo cual no quiere decir que carezca de un estilo propio o de inquietudes artísticas. Jose va a exponer en los próximos meses en galerías de arte en Madrid, un sueño que muchos colegas jamás pasan a convertir en realidad (la exposición propia para el director de arte es como la novela o el guión para los redactores).
Sin embargo, cuando Jose trabaja para sus clientes aplica los recursos apropiados al público, a la marca y al concepto. ¿Básico? Lo es sobre el papel, pero esas tablas sólo las da la experiencia.
Desde hace unos años comenzó su aventura personal y puedes aprovecharte de su Seniority-Class, poniéndote en contacto con él en info@podeisirenpaz.com. Ahora está especializado en hacer superpresentaciones tipo Powerpoint pero con calidad gráfica y argumental. Y creo que trasteando con Flash, con Final Cut... un 4x4 premium.
Si le llamais, ya sabeis. Podeis ir en paz.
(Por cierto, Podeis ir en paz es un nombre ideado por su dupla en DDB, Gustavo Montoro, que originalmente era para otra cosa. Pero Jose sabe que de las buenas ideas hay que aprovechar hasta los andares, como en el cerdo. Lo que os decía, Seniority-Class.)
Today I have eaten with José Sánchez-Colomer, friend and mate at DDB / Rapp Collins for 3 years. A guy who is so frank that you feel is too much until you get used (and I say this:). Never beating the bush and not blinking an eye. But always with respect, with humility and with great discretion.
I like these people and I like art directors like him. They understand that advertising creativity is an applied creativity. This does not mean he has no personal style or artistic concerns. Jose will exhibit over the next few months at art galleries in Madrid, a dream that many colleagues will never pass into reality (own exposure to the art director is like own novel or script for copywriters).
However, when Jose works for its clients, he applies the appropriate resources to the target-group, the brand and concept. Basic? It could be, but these skills are given only by the experience. Since a few years ago, he began his adventure as self-employed. And you can take advantage of his Seniority-Class, by contacting him at info@podeisirenpaz.com. Now he specializes in making Powerpoint-like superb presentations, but with quality graphics and storyline. And I think that upset Flash with Final Cut ... a premium 4x4.
If you call him, you know you can "go in peace" (that is what podeis ir en paz means in Spanish).
I like these people and I like art directors like him. They understand that advertising creativity is an applied creativity. This does not mean he has no personal style or artistic concerns. Jose will exhibit over the next few months at art galleries in Madrid, a dream that many colleagues will never pass into reality (own exposure to the art director is like own novel or script for copywriters).
However, when Jose works for its clients, he applies the appropriate resources to the target-group, the brand and concept. Basic? It could be, but these skills are given only by the experience. Since a few years ago, he began his adventure as self-employed. And you can take advantage of his Seniority-Class, by contacting him at info@podeisirenpaz.com. Now he specializes in making Powerpoint-like superb presentations, but with quality graphics and storyline. And I think that upset Flash with Final Cut ... a premium 4x4.
If you call him, you know you can "go in peace" (that is what podeis ir en paz means in Spanish).
ResponderEliminarEstoy preparando un seminario en la universidad y trato de contactar con José Sánchez Colomer o Gustavo Montoro para ver si me pueden responder a un par de preguntas sobre un anuncio que hicieron con Rapp Collins Zebra para Franceguide.com
Puedes ayudarme a conseguir un mail? Mil gracias!